About Us

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Our Purpose

Our focus is on making SGs more efficent, effective, and influential with campus administrators, faculty, staff, and the student body.

If your organization is struggling, The SG Consulting Group can set you on the right path. If you’re trying to start a Student Government, we can give you all of the tools needed to be successful. And if your SG is one of the best in the nation, we can help you fine-tune weaknesses to grow even stronger.

We have experience working with SGs of all types and sizes, from public SGs with large budgets to commuter SGs at community colleges. Our consultants have a knack for analyzing unique problems and providing realistic, step-by-step solutions. Their suggestions keep SGs from reinventing the wheel, freeing up time and energy to take on new projects and challenges.

Professionals With Perspective

Our team consists of student affairs professionals, acclaimed speakers, and authors dedicated to SG development. But they were also SG leaders themselves—students who once sat in the same “seats” you now occupy.

As former student leaders, we can personally relate to many of the problems you’re facing. At the same time, we’re able to view those situations through a professional’s lens. That unique perspective helps us give advice that’s much more practical, focused, and effective.